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Website Administration

Website management is the collection of processes used to ensure your website is professional, up-to-date, and functioning as intended. It encompasses general maintenance, security, and long-term development of the website, as well as organizing your content delivery and marketing strategy.

At its most basic, website management involves the following tasks:

Website management refers to a set of practices and techniques. However, we also often talk about website management systems. These platforms provide businesses with the tools they need to effectively manage their website, deliver powerful customer experiences, and develop and distribute content.

Our Website Administration Plans


Pro Admin

$69.99 /Month

  • N hour in month

  • Website and Plugins update moderation 

  • Landing Pages modifications 

  • Contact forms and Emails checkup and Comments Moderation 

  • Website Health Weekly report  

  • Page speed optimization 

  • Performing Website backups from changes 

  • Google Analytics Creation and Connection 

  • Google Console creation and Connection 

  • Access and Credentials managements Service Renewal Process management 

  • Manages Hosting infrastructure including file transfer protocol (FTP),mail servers etc... 

  • Initial external link analysis and disavow 

  • Drafts, documents, and implements backup, recovery, and business continuity plans. 

  • Identifies useful site performance metrics; collects, tracks, records, compiles, analyzes, and reports site usage data. 

Custom Admin

$499.99 /Month

  • Need more? Contact us ...

  • Website and Plugins update moderation 

  • Landing Pages modifications 

  • Contact forms and Emails checkup and Comments Moderation 

  • Website Health Weekly report  

  • Page speed optimization 

  • Performing Website backups from changes 

  • Google Analytics Creation and Connection 

  • Google Console creation and Connection 

  • Access and Credentials managements Service Renewal Process management 

  • Manages Hosting infrastructure including file transfer protocol (FTP),mail servers etc... 

  • Initial external link analysis and disavow 

  • Drafts, documents, and implements backup, recovery, and business continuity plans. 

  • Identifies useful site performance metrics; collects, tracks, records, compiles, analyzes, and reports site usage data. 

Basic Plan

$50.99 /Year

Advanced Plan

$100.99 /Year

Business Plan

$300.99 /Year

Why do you need Website Administration?

Website Management

If you don't have the time to manage your website or don't have enough knowledge of managing such, let our talented web admins do the job.

Tech Support

Though we always have to check the website's inner health, it's also essential to keep track of its overall performance. And for that, we need a website analytics expert who can check how the site is doing on the world wide web.

Website Analysis

Our talented team can help, from the layout down to the banners, infographics, and typography, to name a few.